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Career Institute of Medial Sciences & Hospital Lucknow celebrated Ayushman Bharat Pakawara from 15.09.19 to 02.10.19 in which
for its awareness among the people many posters and banners were displayed in and around College Campus and Rural Health Centre Mutakkipur.
A programme of its celebration was conducted at RHTC, Mutakkipur where a lecture was delivered by Dr. Sumaiyya Ahmad, Asst. Professor,
Department of Community Medicine on 23.09.2019 similarly to celebrate World Heart Day on 29.09.2019 an academic programme was conducted where
two lectures by Prof. Abdul Mateen Ansari of General Medicine Department and Dr. Sudhanshu Mishra of Community Medicine Department in College
Campus was delivered in that continuation to celebrate the World Geriatric Day for aged a Gealth awareness and Health checkup camp was organized
at Bridh Ashram Jankipuram, Lucknow in which many Faculty of different departments contributed their free services from this Institute.
World Mental Health Day celebrated in Career Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital Lucknow on 10.10.2023 in which for the awareness to Teachers,
Students of CIMSH and General public about Mental Health Status of people a programme was organized in Lecture Theatre-1, CIMSH in which on the theme
of the year a lecture was delivered by Prof. S. C. Tiwari, Ex-HOD of Geriatrics Psychiatry Department of King George’s Medical University Lucknow on
the subject of Suicide and its Prevention.
Skit performance by MBBS Students on the occasion of world Mental Health Day