Career Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital

Department of Dermatology Venereology Leprology

The diseases involving the skin and the mucous membrane come under the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. The STDs and leprosy are the two other major disorders. Various dermatological diseases manifest themselves in the form of an emergency. Diseases like drug reactions, Steven Johnson’s syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) etc. require round the clock emergency care which is provided by the Dept. of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. Certain chronic dermatological diseases have a profound psychological and social impact. We provide the latest cosmetic service to the patients with the help of three different types of lasers, derma abrader and an armory of chemical peels. Other services like PUVA therapy, wood’s lamp examination, minor OT procedures (comedone extraction, milia enucleation, electrocautery) are also available at the department. Department is equipped with one seminar room, cum library, mini lab, faculty rooms, OPD chambers, two general wards (one for male, other for female) and one minor OT for carrying out day to day procedures and one laser room equipped with an AC.

The Department runs the following speciality clinics:

1. Autoimmune Diseases Clinic
2. Psoriasis Clinic
3. Leprosy Clinic
4. Vitiligo & Pigmentary Clinic
5. STD Clinic + Contact Dermatitis
6. Vesico- Bullous Disease Clinic

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Career Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Lucknow

Affiliated to :

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University
Faizabad,Uttar Pradesh,India.


  • Career Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Lucknow one of the leading medical institutes of this region providing high quality Medical education and health care services of truly global standards. A comprehensive range of general and advanced medical services are provided here including super-specialty services.

    Career Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Lucknow stands strikingly as an architectural beauty, with its massive structures and aesthetic view leaves every one spell bound.

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